Letter from the Administrator

As we enter into Spring, I can’t help but anticipate the growth that comes with this season. The rain and sunshine lead to new growth on the ground and trees, followed by blooming buds that open up to beautiful flowers and green grass covering the ground. Just like Spring, I’m also anticipating the growth in our facility. We grow when new residents give us the honor to have a part in their care, we grow when new employees join our team, and we grow when each one of us takes the opportunity to learn new things that allows us to make ourselves better today than we were yesterday. Then when we have residents come in to work with our amazing therapy department and successfully rehab back to their home, in that moment it is like the most beautiful flower that has bloomed out in full color. As the administrator, I am so blessed to be witness to each of these moments, and to be part of each of your lives.
Sharon Link, Administrator